Saturday, February 21, 2009

Soo Sad..

In Airport noww. Waiting for plane. I hung up on krisma cuz she took so long call n call. Ouh gods. HAHAHA..

I didnt cryy Haha

Continue nextt time. Preetty not private type liddatt.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines, Babe(:

Valentines was kinda boringg.

Had to go out in car to places with mum, sam and relatives. Had to show them around Singapore.. Of all the days my mum chose Valentine's Dayy. Ouh Gods.
I was grieved. I even wore plain clothes as I definitely had NO interest at all.
We first thing get in the car, head for a restaurantt. I had no appetite to eat after being pissed. Den we went here, there, gosh. I practically sat in the car.
Was actually planning to go out with friendz. So I called Drishti and ask her if want to watch anot. We were deciding on SlumDog Millionaire but we ltr found out it was NC16. Sheeessshhh.
That sucked totally. We thought abt Wedding Game but then some people disagreedd. Then I was like talking and drishit was like on speaker and everyone was like talking all at once.... den cracking jokes and stuff. And I was using my HP. My money was flowing away. In the end, the phone got cut off due to lack of money in HP. Haha.

I din bother to use another phone to call backk.
Then binayak say go the next day. And at nightt sleepover at his house..
I invited anjali, ashu and krisma. Altho I knew that they wont be allowed. But miraculously, they could! *CLAPS*
We gathered outside my house. Then me and sam quickly did the cake cutting ceremony at about 11+ with family.. cuz it waz my dad's birthday. On valentines day. Supercool right! Then we went to join our friends outside dp's hse. Binayak say too many ppl cant his house so we asked dp if can her house.. After much persuation, her parents allowed. *3 CHEERS FOR DP!*
We all went in quickly cuz SOME PPL got impatientt.. -.-'

Kevin and Bishan joined us too so it became like this: Me, Sam, Drishti, Kevin, Anjali, Ashu, Binayak, Krisma, Bishan.

I brought the VCD I bought. Couldnt decide on 'Hearty Paws' or 'The Haunted Drum' so I brought along both. Was actually planning on 'Bewitching Attraction' but my sis say NC16 and and it was a sex comedy afterall. But 'T.H.D' was M18 watt. -.-
The rest of the 3 VCDs was korean ones which evidently, the boyys had NO interest in.

We all decide on 'Hearty Paws', a sad moviee to the Ghost movie.(Even the boys, mind you.) Except Krisma la. She is ... a different case.
We watch den it was AWESOMEE!! ;D

DP & Anjali cried the mostt. I cried the 3rd most. At the end especially. When Hearty(SUPERCUTE DOG) died. *Sobbs* In the mid of movies I also cried but silently. At the endings it was more touchingg. So I couldnt con trol and cried alot then. I cried, my face dug in the bolster. It got pretty wett. Haha. I din mean to hide it. But I din mean to show it too. Someone.. I think bishan saw den he cracked up den everyone else. DP was omg. Kinda like showing off her tears. cute(: She was like " OMG. You see im crying so much.Hahhahahahaha.." HAHAHAHA.
Anjali was like crying too and saying"I told you ald,Im Emotional OKAY!" Lawls(:

Almost everyone cried except the guys. All act MACHO watt. Krisma cried too. I was beside her denn she was wiping the tears in her eyes. Duhh- She's a girll too! Love dat babe!:D

After the ouh so sweett movie finished, I went to dp's room in search of powder. I was planning to apply it on Ashu's face as he was sleeping. I couldnt find it mann. ashu woke up too.. we were still in the mood for movie-ingg so we watch "T.H.D". some of them watch aldd , ashu,anjali n bishan i think. Ashu sat

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


am so bored. almost everyone went to skool.
luckily got Munna. can talk to himm at least. gosh. Mum just finished cooking.. YAY!
later going out. Kinda like family outing except dat no mita. She schooling. -.-
haven been blogging lately. so busy.
ytd was Major Cleaning day and it was so coools! I wiped the ginormous windowsz. I tell you. it iz prettyyyyyy biggggg! Denn i wipe the mirrors in my room. I have to cut down on having mirrors in a room. so tiring to clean all 4 mann!

Self-note.. Dont have so many mirrors. It can drive you crazyyyyyyyyy...
And munna is suckyy too. He nick-ed me nooobb singhh. -.-
But I also nick-ed him NGA!!
Translation: Not Gravitised Alienn. So pretty even.. You will noe why when you see his hair. So high up and spiky.. Sheesh.
Anw, got to go Makann!(:
The food's aroma is making me droooool. tatas.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Shop, shop, SHOPP!

Nowadaes so busy shopping. Haven even taken my leaving cert. fromm skool.

Actually I can still go skool but lazy la.

So long haven blog.

On Saturday had rock-climbing competitionn. Wahhhh.. on the 1st route I fell at the starting tiles siahh! T_T" My last competition had to be that way la. Godd. Then second route I went lyke not so high. Many ppl fell there too. It was hard la. the contour wall. the first wall so badd so no hopee ald. I wasnt surprised when I was second last on the list. Lawls.

Then ah, we all sit together, including batch 13, some juniors and then aileen n others den we teach each other our language. Me, Nila n Susmita teach them. Some bad words.. *Eeep.

Den I also learn Thai frm Watana. Den some malay frm Ukbah. Aiyo so hardd siahh! :O

Now, I can only remember the word" POM ". Means [I] in Thai. Cool rite! Den we make fun of each otherr and stuff. OMgg. den Andy card's passport foto was "SUPERCOOL" la.. His eyes were lyke *DUPERBIGG* den he was smiling frm ear to ear. Seriously. It was sooo funny and cute! Hahahhah.. Den we all laugh and tease him. God. I can still remember it. Omg. I am now laughing while typing. hahahahahahha...

Den me, Sus. and Nila go eat at Koufu. Me n susmita were debating where to eat. I wanted to eat at hawker center while she wanted to eat at KFC. Den I wonn! Woohoo! The whole bus ride. abt 20-30mins. We were debatingg. *Tskk.

It was, gahh! Long story. In the end she takeaway frm KFC and we eat at KOufu. I told her dat frm the beginning yet she deny I said dat. Den when I was buying Chicken Rice with vege. she say " I regret buying at KFC sia. Here is lyke much more cheaper and more quantity." Den I was lyke *Phishh- "You seeeeeeeeeeee I told you. Heheheee" *Winning Moment..- Must rub it in. Lawls ;D

Den Anu sis called me & say we going out. Sisters' night- I was soo tired. Den I had to rush home, get rdy, den we set out at 8.30.. God.

We catch 'Bride Wars' at 11.10. *WTH* They were even planning to catch at 12am.. We still had time so we ate at KFC. The other stores were closing.. D:

I ate little bit cos at Koufu ate Chicken Riceee(:

The movie was pretty nice. It was humorous. If im not rongg, Anu was lyke one of the loudest and longest peeps laughing.. *O.O"

Movie finish at 1+ den we even plan to go shopping at 24hrs malls lyke Mustafa but Mom called and say go next timee. So we return and I too tired to go on9 so now denn I'm writing. Mwahhahahaha. -.-'

Then next day we go out again.. This time earlier. We were planning to go bowling at Marina Square. But the SuperBowl was packed so go playy Pool instead. Omg. I reallyyy dont noe how to play it. [[*BEGINNER*]] :l But I hit anihoww also goal! ;DDDDDDDDDDD Beginner's luckk I guess. We eat at KFC again.. Hahahaa. Then we watch Ink Heart. Fantasy much. But it was pretty good. I found it abit - short.....?
Moving on.. It was aboutt 8+ so we shop shop a little den go eat at umm... OH! Makan Sutra!(:
Unfortunately, Anu sis lost her wallet. So she quickly go backtrack while we silently waited.
She came back in a bad mood. She said some1 found it and give to reception. But, abt $150-$200 lost, I think. Then I buy chickenn. SO GOOD! Then I watch them prepare also so cool sehhh! Pretty cheap also. Den Anu go buy other dishes for all of us. We all were devouring the poor helpless roasted chicken wings like mad wolves. SuperDelicious wadd.
Den we all had a Hearty Meal! Anu's mood also better coz we *ENLIGHTENED* her. We also bought 6 VCDs to watch. I watch 2 already. Watching 1 of them ltr with Susmitaa at her house(: Sleepover there too! Lalalaalallalaaaaaaaa`~
Will post laterr. Maybe changing blogskin too!(:

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Currently in school.
PC No. 07(:
Amanda is currently disturbing me! Trying to interrupt my writin sehh. She keep erasing wat I write..
Dunno watt dance she was doing. -.-"

This is last period, I.T.
Jaslin Lee didnt come. *WOOHOO*
Todae no roll-call. Hehe. I wear blue rimmed socks!:D
Arrived school pretty early still.

First lesson was damnn sucky la.
Almost half of the class had to stand in the middle of the parade square..
-Just becoz we din bring ORANGE to look and draw of. *Tskk-
Needed to paint and shade a drawing of an apple but I used my old drawing as the punishment work :D Amanda Tan too(:

Den MT was okae. Read n read in the library.. *Boringg-
Recess we went 5mins earlier cuz no teacher wadd. -.-"
I try mee soto , not nice! Aiyo. I put loads of chilli den Nila also came late with my ice miloo.
I was panting lyke a dog.

Geog was okae.. Copy down notes. Den cam maths lesson.
Tcher din come but still got expected test. I din noe how to do lyke 3questions out of FOUR. Sneak a few steps from Amanda:D

Then during Lit, Ms Ang ask why so quiet. Lyke duhh, some sleepy some scared of her. Haha(:

Currently it's I.T.. Lawls.
Now gonna show amanda blog skins. She's pestering. *Rolls eyes*

Sunday, January 25, 2009


At least one of my activity just finished in my 'TO-DO-LIST' ! ;D

Ice-skating ytd was SUPERRAWESOME manns!(:
Anjali had a hard time straining to grabb the sides of the arena. She like practically made all the rounds with the sides' support laa..
Her bro Ashu was wayyy worse den herr. Like wth.He fell lyke thrice and was WAY slower denn Anjali. Once he fell flat on his right side and his ear was lyke duper-red cuz his ear hit the ice hard.. *Ouch.-
Samenta was okae.. at least better then the rest. Stil I was the best yet pretty noob compared to others.. God, im self-praising.. =="
The rest of the five peoplee, long story.

We thenn went arcade.. I spent abt $15. Sam,anjali,ashu n I compete in the Motorbike tingy den I won! *HURRAY!* Ashu got last. Gay watt he. *Phishh.
While in the car race, Sam won. Other games were okay i guess.
We den ate at KFC. The fortune feast was deliciouss... Got 8 hongpaos and all are like $1 off. Useless.

Thenn, it got so late so we go home. Unfortunately, no time to shop.
On the way to the taxi place, we passed by a superbeautiful bridge. It was so nice. Den somemore it was dark so make the light's effect prettier.. Took some pics but then not in my camera. Must take frm that person!
We go take taxi den the taxi was the very urhh, modern one so the starting price was lyke $5..
Gonna start homework-ingg.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Such sweet people.

It's now no secret that I am heading for Nepal.. The word just spread like wildfire..
Today, 2E1 & 2E2 held a mini surprise Farewell party for me. I was touched but did not cryy it cuz I ald knew what was going to happen. So it wasnt a surprise partayy afterall. I didnt say anithing cuz I so didnt wanna blow their excitement. I found out that they I was expected to cry, which I unfortunately didnt.

It was so sweet aniwaes. Beautiful cards, presents and of course, 2 awesome cakes of my favourite flavour: CHOCOLATEE! ;DD

And the picture-taking started the minute I stepped in. They looked weird, taking pics of me like paparazzi. It kinda amused me. Hehee!((:
I also read the msgs on the whiteboard. Haha. 2E1 & 2E2 both prepared beautiful cards. 2E2'S was pretty big! :O Both were so cool manns!(:
Just reading them warmed my heart tho' some were funny. Btw, the cake was SUPERDILICIOUS! I was hungry too:D

Such sweet people(: A great challenge to leave themm.
Will try my best to re-visitt as a tourist.

Till then, will use my last weeks for shopping, chilling out and packingg! *Ugh-


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Glumm-ed up!

Had a pretty depressing day.
Life has loads of sacrifices, seriously.
I still don't seem to understand it.
Isit really necessary?Like wth la, please.
It is a major step forward.
I really don't noe if I can handle it.
Shed tears, stayed glum and cannot confront anyone bout it.
It's a secret which I really wanna let out.
But I cant. And I actually dont need to anw, cuz sooner or later that day will come.

Pretty weird my way of writing changes when I am depressed.
Oh goshh. Need do the laundry..